Easy Asian Beef Stew

Orange Ginger Beef

Yield: 4

A recipe is merely words on paper; a guideline, a starting point from which to improvise. It cannot pretend to replace the practiced hand and telling glance of a watchful cook. For that reason, this is also an account of what happens when I make this dish, so you'll understand each step. Of course when you cook it once, it becomes yours, so personalize it a bit. Add more of an ingredient you like or less of something you don't like. Try substituting one ingredient for another. Remember words have no flavour, you have to add your own!

Blade steak plays the starring role in this easy to make one-pot supper. Braising transforms this 'simmering steak' into a richly flavoured, Asian inspired meal.

Timing Hints: 15 minutes to prep, 1 hour to simmer; can be made a day or two ahead and easily reheated...

Equipment Hints: A thick bottomed stewing pot large enough to fit the steak with a tight fitting lid...

Orange Ginger Beef

  • 2 tbsp of vegetable oil
  • 1 x blade simmering steak, boneless, about 1 pound or .5 kg
  • 2 x onions, chopped
  • 1 knob ginger, rinsed well, unpeeled, sliced thinly
  • 2 tbsp of Soy sauce
  • 1 x 10 oz can of beef stock
  • 1 cup of orange marmalade
  • 1 cup of orange juice
  • 1 tbsp of five-spice powder (optional)
  • 1 bunch of cilantro
  • 1 bag of baby spinach
  • 1 cup of bean sprouts
  • 1 bunch of green onions, chopped

Orange Ginger Beef

  1. Preheat the pot over a medium high heat then add the oil. Sear the steak on both sides until evenly browned. Add the onions and ginger and stir for a few minutes until lightly browned. If the pan starts to burn, add a splash of water and continue…
  2. Add the soy sauce, orange juice, marmalade, beef stock and five-spice powder. Rinse the cilantro well then thinly chop the root end of the bunch, add to the pot. Reserve the leaves. Bring all the ingredients to a boil, reduce the heat to low, cover with a tight fitting lid and continue simmering until tender, about 1 hour.
  3. When the meat is tender enough, break it into smaller chunks. Split the spinach and bean sprouts evenly between four bowls. Stir the green onions into the broth then ladle into each bowl. Top with a sprinkling of the reserved cilantro leaves. Enjoy!

A Cup of Hot Mocha

Yield: 4

A recipe is merely words on paper; a guideline, a starting point from which to improvise. It cannot pretend to replace the practiced hand and telling glance of a watchful cook. For that reason, this is also an account of what happens when I make this dish, so you’ll understand each step. Of course when you cook it once, it becomes yours, so personalize it a bit. Add more of an ingredient you like or less of something you don’t like. Try substituting one ingredient for another. Remember words have no flavour, you have to add your own!

I’m addicted to chocolate and always look for a way to work it into a treat, especially with coffee. Together they make mocha. This coffee flavoured chocolate cake batter baked in coffee cups looks like a cup of coffee — until you cut into it!


A Cup of Hot Mocha

  • 4 oz of chopped bittersweet chocolate
  • 1 x stick of butter (four ounces)
  • 4 x eggs
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
  • 1 spoonful of vanilla
  • 1/2 cup of strong coffee, room temperature

A Cup of Hot Mocha

  1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Toss the chocolate and butter into a small bowl and set over a small pot of simmering water to begin melting it. This will insulate the delicate chocolate from direct heat and keep it from scorching. As they begin to melt stir until smooth then remove them from the heat.
  2. Whisk the eggs, sugar, vanilla and coffee together. Add the chocolate mixture, whisk until smooth then divide evenly between four coffee mugs.
  3. Place the mugs in a small high-sided pot. Add enough hot water around the cups to equal the level of the batter within the cups. Place in the oven and bake for 40 minutes. Serve immediately or cool and serve later.


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